Press Release: Would you pay £9,000 to £18,000 for a pint or a glass of wine?
PRESS RELEASE - MARCH 2013 - UK - BIS.pd[...]
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Much more than just 99% of water and " bleach"...

Comparison chart between Derma GeL® versus other products.

Properties  Derma GeL®



Aluspray® Cothivet®   Scarlex®
Cell viability %  (1) 97  89 33  32  29
Moist environment  YES  NO  NO  NO  NO
Long term moist env. YES  NO  NO  NO  NO
Protective film YES  NO  YES  NO  YES
Anti-inflammatory YES  NO  NO  NO  NO
Collagen synthesis YES  NO  NO  NO  NO
Cell multiplication YES  NO  NO  YES  NO
Bactericidal YES  YES  YES  NO  YES
Bacteriostatic YES  NO  NO  NO  NO
Insect repellent YES  NO  YES  NO  YES
Stays where applied (2) YES  NO  NO  NO  NO
Non-doping YES  YES  YES  YES  YES
Patient acceptance  YES  YES  YES  NO  YES
Use with bandage (3)  YES   YES  YES  YES  YES
Use without bandage (4)  YES  NO   YES  NO  NO
Non-Mutagenic (5)  YES   N/A  NO  N/A  N/A
Non-Cytogenotoxic (5) YES  N/A  NO  NO  N/A
Non-Irritant YES  YES  NO  NO  YES
Non-Sensitizing YES  YES  NO  NO  YES
Same hair color regrowth YES  N/A  NO  N/A  NO


Vetericyn® - Hypocare® - Aluspray® - Cothivet® - Scarlex® are Registered Trademarks of their respective owners.


(1)  Standardized MTT assay determining cell viability percentage and viable cell counting.


(2) Stays where applied = product application on vertical wounds exposed to wound exudates without the use of bandage (Derma GeL® can absorb 8 times its own weight in wound exudates and does not run off the treated surface even on vertical wounds).


(3)  When used on covered wounds, Derma GeL® ensures non-adherence of the secondary dressing enabling its easy removal without damaging the new layer of regenerative tissue.


(4)  When wounds are badly located or impossible to bandage, Derma GeL® ensures a porous protective film mimicking a dressing and protecting wound site from external contaminants.


(5)  Study performed in accordance with the OECD Guideline 471 - Genetic Toxicology - Reverse Mutation Assay - using four strains originating from the Laboratory of Professor B. Ames, California University, Biochemistry Department, USA.

Pratical DO's & DONT's Chart.

Avoid the use of...

Traditional Sprays

Irritant and decreasing cell viability. In addition, some are mutagenic or cytogenotoxic (proudflesh, keloids...), altering, delaying or stopping the healing process.

Creams & Ointments

More slowly and only partially absorbed. Leaving unabsorbed greasy residues on the surface of the wound. These unabsorbed greasy residues oxidize with body temperature, favoring irritation of epithelial cells and delaying the healing process.

Excessive Dressing

Adhering to the wound bed and damaging the new layer of regenerative epithelial cells when removing the dressing from the wound. On the other hand, dressings can increase local temperature at wound level, favoring excessive suppuration and delaying the healing process because of the lack of air.

Topical antibiotics

On skin wounds, topical antibiotics favor infection because of destruction of the normal bacterial flora. Mutagenic, they alter or delay the healing process.

Alcoholic Solutions

Solutions with high content of alcohol have acute irritant/sensitizing effect on skin cells, delaying or altering the healing process.